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Version: 2.2

Streams API


What is the Streams API?​

With Streams API you can listen for real time events on chain, you can listen for when a new event is emitted in your contract or for when a walltet address does an NFT transfer or a transaction. You can also get notifications for native and internal transactions. You will receive webhook requests for those events specific to your stream configuration.

Working With Webhooks​

Webhooks allow you to receive real-time notifications for events that are happening in relation to your application. When a supported event occurs, a real-time notification is posted, including a data payload, via HTTP POST method to a custom URL you provide.

Streams API features​

  • Get blockchain events streamed to your backend directly in real-time
  • Listen to wallets or contract events, or both with multiple streams
  • Track one address or millions with just one stream, it is up to you
  • Fully customize your streams using filters, you want to only want to listen to transactions over 1000 USDT, no problem
  • Listen for events from all contract addresses
  • Add your custom ABI and choose which events you want to listen too
  • and much more...
  • Realtime Wallet notifications (monitor when an address sends, receives, stakes, swaps, or burns assets)
  • Monitor assets (get notifications when an asset is being sent, received, staked, swapped, or burned)
  • In game specific events, for example when a battle starts in your web3 game
  • Token sales (get notifications for when someone participates in your token sale)
  • Any other smart contract event fires on-chain based on your filters

Listen to all addresses use cases​

  • Listen to all NFT contract transfers tutorial
  • Listen to all events from new contracts specific to a contract factory tutorial
  • Listen to all NFT contracts transfers where sender is a specific address tutorial
  • Listen to all ERC20 contract transfers where sender is a specific address and number of coins transferred is over 1000 tutorial

Run Smart Contract Functions​

Get Native Balances​

High reliability​

  • Moralis guarantees 100% delivery of Webhooks
  • If your service is down Moralis will retry to send the webhook in intervals
  • If your service fails to receive the webhooks you can manually replay

Supported chains​

ChainChain Id (Hex)Internal Transaction SupportedBlocks until confirmedNote
ETH0x1βœ… YES12
ETH SEPOLIA0xaa36a7βœ… YES18
ETH HOLESKY0x4268βœ… YES18
BSC0x38βœ… YES18
POLYGON0x89βœ… YES100
POLYGON AMOY0x13882βœ… YES100πŸ”₯ NEW
FANTOM0xfaβœ… YES100
AVAX0xa86aβœ… YES100
CRONOS0x19❌ NO100
RONIN0x7e4βœ… YES100
ARBITRUM0xa4b1βœ… YES100
GNOSIS0x64❌ NO100
BASE0x2105βœ… YES100
BASE SEPOLIA0x14a34βœ… YES100πŸ”₯ NEW
LINEA0xe708βœ… YES100πŸ”₯ NEW
Reorgnization Before Confirmation

Until a block is confirmed, it is possible that a re-organization of the chain may occur, invalidating some information. If a re-organization does occur before a block is confirmed, the information associated with the block is deleted and the updated block is inserted in its place.

To get started, check the following tutorials:​

How Streams are priced​

See Records and pricing

Learn more advanced applications of Streams​
